May 15, 2024
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When Should You See An Orthodontist?

byAlma Abell

If you have crooked teeth or your bite is improper and as a result you cover your mouth with your hand when you smile, it is time to see an orthodontist. An orthodontist in Bloomingdale is a specialist dentist that has the training and skills that are necessary to realign crooked teeth so that you can smile without embarrassment.

What does an orthodontist actually do?

In the past it was rare to see an adult wearing braces, this is no longer the case. People today get orthodontic treatment regardless of their age.

Orthodontists, with the help of braces and aligners straighten teeth and improve the bite. Although many people profess that they see an orthodontist in Bloomingdale to straighten their teeth, it actually is equally important to deal with the way teeth fit together. Crooked teeth and teeth with an over or under bite are difficult to clean and maintain properly, as a result these patients will be plagued with tooth decay which in turn can lead to the loss of one or more teeth.

Orthodontics has come a long way:

There is evidence that orthodontics has been practiced since the days of the early Greeks although it wasn’t until the late 1920s that brackets and wires were first introduced. Up until the year 2000, braces were the only solution available for straightening and realigning teeth, in 2000 clear plastic aligners were introduced.

Plastic aligners are invisible, today even traditional braces are almost invisible as they use tooth colored or clear brackets; some are even attached to back side of the teeth.

Children should see the orthodontist at the age of seven. At this age the jaw is still growing and developing and early intervention is extremely helpful. There is really no age limit for adults although most adults will have completed the process by the time they are 40.

There is no need to be ashamed of your smile; a visit to an orthodontist in Bloomingdale is all you have to do to start the process of straightening your teeth. You are invited to make an appointment with Pure Dental Spa. Visit them online at